The SHUTTLE consortium is pleased to invite you to attend our Webinar. It’s a free ½ day seminar to learn more about our project and, for public and private tenderers, to participate in an European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The objective of this webinar is to : • Raise awareness on the procurement of SHUTTLE regarding the development of traces analysis toolkit that will support the execution of Forensic...
The SHUTTLE OMC Infoday was held in Roissy on 30-31 January 2019
The SHUTTLE Open market Consultation Infoday was held on 30 and 31 January 2019 in Roissy, France The presentations and videos are available on the Open Market Consultation – Infoday page Attendees, as well as other interested organisations, are encouraged to takea few minutes to complete our Request for Information (RFI) questionnaire for us to get insight on the following issues: • What is currently available on the market (state of the art);...