Final SHUTTLE Public Workshop

The SHUTTLE partners and contractors actively participated to the European Academy for Forensic Science (EAFS) 2022 conference from Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June 2022 in Stockholm.

EAFS is a public event of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI). The 2022 conference was organised by the Swedish National Forensic Centre (NFC) in the Swedish capital.

The two contractors, Traces Consortium and AG SHUTTLE Toolkit Jena, each exhibited their prototypes all week to many visitors (1000+ people attended EAFS 2022).

Booth of the TRACES consortium


Booth of the AG SHUTTLE tooklit Jena consortium


On Wednesday, SHUTTLE partners Netherlands Forensic Institute NFI and Ministère de l’Intérieur gave a presentation on the “Initial validation experiments of the SHUTTLE Toolkit”.

Netherlands Forensic Institute and Ministère de l’Intérieur presenting the “Initial validation experiments of the SHUTTLE Toolkit”


SHUTTLE organised its Final Workshop during European Day on Thursday June 2nd. This 3-hour session was divided as follows:

  • a keynote introduction from Nada Milisavljevic, the initial SHUTTLE EC project officer,
  • a series of presentations by Sophia Berkani (Ministère de l’Intérieur), Christos Batis (Hellenic Police), Costas Balas for the TRACES consortium, Roland Kilper for the AG SHUTTLE tooklit Jena consortium,
  • a panel discussion led by Iris Bijker (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences),
  • a hands-on demonstration of the two microtrace analysis toolkits.
Time Item Presenter Objectives of session/Comments
Start End Duration
11:00 11:10 0:10 Welcome keynote EC Nada Milisavljevic, European Commission
11:10 11:20 0:10 Project overview MININT Sophia Berkani, IRCGN, Gendarmerie Nationale and Nadine Merat, Police Scientifique
11:20 11:40 0:20 Traces Consortium introduction Traces Dr. Costas Balas, Professor, Technical University of Crete and Founder & CEO of Spectricon, Greece
11:40 12:00 0:20 AG SHUTTLE tooklit Jena introduction Jena Dr. Roland Kilper, aura optik
12:00 12:15 0:15 Phase 3 preliminary results – Tests undertaken and test outcomes NFI Sophia Berkani, IRCGN, Gendarmerie Nationale and Christos Batis, KEMEA
12:15 12:30 0:15 Panel discussion – next steps to commercialisation Partners, Contractors, AB members Chairperson Iris Bijker, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
12:30 13:45 1:15 Lunch
13:45 14:30 0:45 Toolkit demonstration Traces Dr. Costas Balas, Professor, Technical University of Crete and Founder & CEO of Spectricon, Greece
14:30 15:15 0:45 Toolkit demonstration Jena Dr. Roland Kilper, aura optik


Nada Milisavljevic (EC)


Sophia Berkani (Ministère de l’Intérieur), Christos Batis (Hellenic Police)


Iris Bijker (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)


Live demo by Roland Kilper for the AG SHUTTLE tooklit Jena consortium


Live demo by the TRACES consortium


Finally, the SHUTTLE video was presented during the last plenary panel debate in front of a large audience.

SHUTTLE video during panel debate (1/2)


SHUTTLE video during panel debate (2/2)

The full report on the final public workshop and SHUTTLE’s participation to EAFS 2022 can be found here:

The posters updated for the occasion can also be downloaded here:

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